References can have a powerful impact on your job search, choosing who you use as references should be taken seriously. Think about the position you apply for and how your references can complement you to that job. When you become part of the MOLARI community of job seekers, a large part of our initial process is checking your references. When you are asked for references, here are some things to keep in mind when making your selection.
Select people who you worked closely with & were friendly with
Hiring managers, and recruiters, want to speak with people who witnessed you while at work and who knew you – but were not close friends of yours. Although your close friends will always speak highly of you, their opinion is biased and likely wouldn’t be the right perspective for a potential employer.
Selecting people from your professional circle, as in bosses, coworkers, professors, etc. allows us to better gain a professional view of you.
Double-check their contact information
Majority of employers want you to provide references, as the candidate seeking employment you need to make sure that you provide accurate contact information. Failing to ensure the contact information is correct will give the employer, or recruiter, with a bad impression. It shows a lack of attention to detail, as you didn’t review the information prior to submission.
For MOLARI it also creates a stop in the process, as we cannot place you without checking your references. If we need to follow-up repeatedly to try and get the correct information, it shows that you are not as motivated or eager for the role you applied for in the first place. Your references determine whether you are offered a role, make sure you understand the importance of them!
Give your references a heads-up!
This is a big one, let your references know they should expect a call. Even better? Send them the job listing that they’ll be called about. When your references are expecting a call, they will likely help the process move smoother and more quickly.
Reliability is KEY!
Often, references do not pick up a phone call because they do not recognize the number. Or they do not call back after a voicemail is left. This is a huge challenge for employers and recruiters, so it is crucial to inform your references to avoid this scenario. If the employer of recruiter is trying to reach out, but receives no response, why put references? They are supposed to enhance your job search, not delay it.